Sue and Nev. Again!
Album photoOur next destination is Greta Valley again, at Sue and Nev's, our first wwoofing where everything began.
Regarding the weather, they are in the pickle : no rain since we left. Very little changed except for the stove that breathed its last. After completely dismantling the beast, we are totally positive : it's only worth its weight in metal. The new one is ordered, we seize the moment to refurbish the kitchen : spring cleaning, sanding and some painting.

There are always ongoing things to do: collecting eucalyptus bark to start the fire, sifting the compost, podding the bean seeds, cleaning the calves shed, watering the shelter belt, weeding the asparagus and raspberries, picking apples and pears, planting the garlic and going to the beach to collect seaweed then spreading it on the garden,... [we apology to the reader: our job was so diversified that we're obliged to list it to stay short :) ]

Everything is peaches and cream but time is flying : we have already been here for 3 weeks. It's time for us to start a new adventure, namely finding a job (again...).

PS : for those who wonders how our chariot is doing, we changed the oil, put in a new battery (the former wasn't starting below 5°C). The left rear tyre was worn so we strategically switched it with the spare one. Now she goes bananas !!